Janet Miles, CAP-OM (janetmiles) wrote,
Janet Miles, CAP-OM

Household reclamation / road to an office

Today's before and after pictures don't look all that different, but the brown box in the before picture turned out to be full from top to bottom and edge to edge (total about two cubic feet) of papers that needed to be sorted into keep, toss, or shred. That doesn't count the bag of miscellaneous office supplies that got sorted into keep, toss, or take to work because I won't use them here, or the stacks of papers on top of the books that were on top of the box of papers.

Essentially the same ritual as yesterday, except for casting the circle: I called Fire specifically, and specified that the circle was to contain the energies I was working with, but be permeable to me as I needed to move things to other locations (or go to the bathroom).

I think I worked at it considerably longer, although I didn't set a timer; I'm guessing about 60-90 minutes. In part, I was able to go that long because I was sitting rather than stooping or bending. I still feel as though I have physical energy, but not so much the mental energy after all that sorting.

Crossposted to http://flylady.livejournal.com/1013166.html
Tags: pagan, reclamation

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